
Join Covenant Brethren Church

For churches or individuals that are interested in becoming part of CBC

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith of the Covenant Brethren Church


Bylaws of the Covenant Brethren Church

  • Embark on a meaningful journey of compassion and service by joining us for the Covenant Brethren Church Rebuild trip in Kentucky with Samaritan's Purse, taking place from [...]

    Published On: November 29th, 2023|

Weekly Prayer Point

Luke 2:30-32

This is the first week of traditional Christmas shopping madness. Let us pray that parents, as well as children, remember that the focus of this season is Jesus Christ and not the gifts we give or hope to receive. The acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior is the greatest gift we can receive.

In an effort to encourage and support each other, the CBC Prayer Committee encourages each member and congregation to pray for our sister congregations. Two of these will be shared each week for special prayer. This week, please pray for:

  • Antioch CBC in Woodstock, VA and Pastors George Bowers and Dale Bennett
  • Asher Glade in Friendsville, MD and Pastor Michael Saturday

CBC Prayer Committee

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Upcoming Mission Trip to Guatemala


Youth seeking spirituality, seeking answers and deeper connection.

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Partner Agencies

Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is an national evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual..

Harvest USA

Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families..