
Join Covenant Brethren Church

For churches or individuals that are interested in becoming part of CBC

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith of the Covenant Brethren Church


Bylaws of the Covenant Brethren Church

  • Christmas is coming! For children, that declaration brings great anticipation. But for many adults, who feel as though Christmas was just a few weeks ago, it can [...]

    Published On: December 11th, 2023|

Weekly Prayer Point

John 13:15-16

Merry Christmas brothers and sisters. Let us give prayers of thankfulness to God who sent His Son to us for our salvation. Because of our faith in Jesus, we can serve Him acceptably in our daily lives. He told us and showed us that obedient service is a result and evidence of our faith in Him.

In an effort to encourage and support each other, the CBC Prayer Committee encourages each member and congregation to pray for our sister congregations. Two of these will be shared each week for special prayer. This week, please pray for:

  • Brake Congregation in Petersburg, WV and Pastor Craig Howard
  • Brandts Church in St. Thomas PA and Pastor Roger Myers

CBC Prayer Committee

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CBC Youth

Upcoming Mission Trip to Guatemala


Youth seeking spirituality, seeking answers and deeper connection.

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Partner Agencies

Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is an national evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual..

Harvest USA

Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families..