
Join Covenant Brethren Church

For churches or individuals that are interested in becoming part of CBC

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith of the Covenant Brethren Church


Bylaws of the Covenant Brethren Church

Weekly Prayer Point

“…not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

The Lord’s arms are open wide! Salvation through the shed blood of Christ is available to all! Who in your family, workplace, school, community, circle of business acquaintances … seems far from the Lord? Lost! Pray for the Word of the Lord to find, touch and draw these dear ones to Jesus! Pray for the lost whom you know.

Please pray for the following congregations and pastors:

  • St. Luke Congregation in Woodstock, VA and Pastor Shawn Graber
  • Sunnybrook Congregation in Bristol, TN and Pastor Michael Reece

CBC Prayer Committee

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CBC Youth

Upcoming Mission Trip to Guatemala


Youth seeking spirituality, seeking answers and deeper connection.

Youth News

Youth Upcoming Events

Youth Bible Study

Partner Agencies

Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is an national evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual..

Harvest USA

Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families..